Tuesday 6 September 2016

Welcome ...

... and all that. 

    Here's the plan - whenever I encounter a topic which merits dedicating at least 500 words to, I will endeavour to record such witterings here.

    The subject matter will inevitably gravitate towards personal interests, but every once in a while I hope to take the odd pot-shot at something outside my comfort zone, perhaps just to relieve the monotony, but - who knows - maybe as a not entirely futile attempt at providing an alternative perspective on things?

    In addition, any interesting or unusual web-based developments I've been working on will also be ported here [if possible].
    Note - more than one of these may well be at best described as being a "work in progress", so please try not to let your expectations get the better of you.

What to Expect?

    All the usual blogsphere blatherings: loves and hates, contemporary culture, literature, music, cinema, art, the media, the sciences etc...
    Strange quirks of modern living - AI, computing, robotics, medicine, genetics - we live in interesting times.
    Environment and conservation - no shortage of material there.
    General annoyances, bugbears, observations and anything else possibly worth getting hot under the collar about.